Monday 22 March 2010

Archive Couture

Raygun Gothic
The architectural complexity Metropolis details is one of opulent futurism, the sheer magnitude of sets, the bourgeoisie excess.
In stark contrast to both previous Hannah Marshall and Belle Sauvage posts, my own stylistic reinterpretation of Metropolis would have to take influence from the above. Art Deco was characterised by the use of contrasting materials juxtaposed together like never before, the use of geometric stepped shapes against sweeping curves, the rich colours and textures, taking influence from the rapid rise of modernity into the technological age and looking into the newly discovered culture rich histories of Egypt, Africa, and the Aztecs.
It is from this I direct my search to the intricate details, elaborate use of embellishment, the perfectly tailored cut, the bourgeoisie excess that is Haute Couture.
To produce a shoot channelling Metropolis`s architectural endeavours but interpreted in a fashion context, the structure of the body majestic as the tower of Babel, a single structure ruling all others, the model strong sleek and statuesque against a stark unforgiving grey backdrop, the contrast of modern sleek and structural elements in terms of hair and make up reappropriating the original excessive styling of the garments.


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